Look at your keyboard. Look to the right. Look at the key number 7,

If someone annoys you or offends you, or if they have you as a friend or contact and they don’t talk to you, you can delete them. Yes Delete. They won’t even go into your recycle bin, they will just be gone forever.
People tend to be really offended by this. People, who are deleted, should stop and think. Why have I been deleted? Instead of getting on their high horse, they should think. “Wow I must have really annoyed this person, that they deleted me”
Take facebook for example, you have +- 500 friends and one person deletes you. You get all upset and hurt over that one person.
Like mxit for example. You have +- 50 contacts. You can’t possibly keep up will all 50 of them. So you tend to chat to only a select few. You delete the one who never talks to you. And one random day, that person decides to add you again and surprise, surprise, they question you till their teeth fall out as to why you deleted them.
It’s not like you’re best friends. But that person will milk you for all you have because you were insensitive and DELETED them. There are worse things that you could have done. You could have blocked them! Wow!! Never block someone. To them it’s like you’ve sent them into exile, along with the other mutes and perverted weirdo’s you blocked.
Is deleting the new way of telling people to bugger off out of your life? In a real life social situation, could you say “delete” to that annoying person at the bar, shop, gym? If you argue with a friend or boyfriend, can you look at them in the eye and say “delete”.
In the past, before all this digital communication, you told people off with your body language and with the tone of your voice or you spelt it out for them. Perhaps people are too used to be let off softly. In subtle ways. With new age communication, we just say yes or no. accept or decline, delete or keep. People are getting straight answers, no nonsense replies and the truth handed them on a gold plate. But no matter how tough they are, no matter how shiny their grills are they can’t handle the hard friend-rejecting truth.
I understand that no one likes to be rejected. But you can’t be expected to like everybody and you can’t expect everybody to like you. I think a communication service where you have all your rejected friends is in order. You could call it notfriends.com. Perhaps they will feel more accepted then. Imagine it, “you deleted me from friends.com” “Yes but I added and accepted you on notfriends.com” “oh okay, phew I almost thought we weren’t friends” (hugs)
How pathetic are we all that we can’t realize that it’s just a website, or it’s just a messaging service and that there is probably a reason for your dismissal.